Rename DATA FILE for Oracle
The data file is created when the Oracle DBA created the table space. If the Oracle DBA wants to rename the data file after the it has been created, he or she can do so by following these steps
- The table space has to be taken offline; use the following command ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name OFFLINE NORMAL;
- Then data file is rename using the operating system.
- After that the Oracle DBA renames the data file in SQL Plus enviroment. Supposed that the old data file name is 'USER1.DBF'. The new data file name is 'NEW_USER.DBF'. Following the step 2, issue this SQL comment ALTER TABLESPACE 'tablespace name' RENAME DATAFILE 'C:\USER1.DBF' to 'C:\NEW_USER.DBF'; This assumes that the data file is located in drive C
- After rename the data file is performed in the Oracle environment, mount the tablespace online again, using this command: ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ONLINE;