What are valid characters in password for Oracle? The Oracle recommends using the combination of letters and numbers. Symbols of "#", "_", and "$" sign are also valid. There are rules that you should follow when creating the password.
First Rule: The first letter of the password must start with the letter, Example
SQL> alter user tommy identified by tommy1234;
User altered.
SQL> alter user tommy identified by 1234tommy;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00988 missing or invalid password(s)
As you can see, the password cannot start with the number. However if you want to start password with the number, you can use the double quotation mark on the password;
SQL> alter user tommy identified by "1234tommy";
User altered.
My note: some blogs say password is not case sensitive. I do some testing on the testing database. The result is password is case sensitive. If your user password is Tommy1234, typing password as tommy1234 gives the error message while logging in.
Good luck........
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