The Internet is the GSI (Global System of Interconnected) network of computers, which is connected with different types of computers whole over the world. In the word, “INTERNET" was coming from “Inter-Networking," a mechanism of the Internet to transfer data from a computer to the other computers. The Internet means an Interconnection of Networks, which are communication protocols for communications between two computers over the network. The Internet is a huge capability of stored data such as music, video, software and any types of documents. The Internet is an electronic web which is connected to people each other's that have access to networks allows them to send and receive E-mails and share in many other activities. In the present situation 80% of people access, the Internet and lots of people busy to finding music, video and software and huge people visiting the social networking site like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, linked In, etc. Today the Internet is called by “NET” then the word “net” is most popular of every human life.
The Internet is one of the most successful technologies in the world. Now the Internet enormously used development information infrastructure and commitment to research. In 1966, develop the computer network idea a plan for the ARPANET and quickly put together and publish it 1967. Since then, the Internet has grown rapidly to become the world’s largest network. It now interconnects more than 50,000 networks, allowing more than 15 million computers, more than 100 million computer users and more than 155 countries around the world easily communicate with each other. The Internet network continues to grow at the rapid pace.
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